Going from school to university, you get very used to long holidays, courses that last only a year, exams, and then ‘the next stage’. There’s always a start date, an end date, and then another start date. You know where you are.
A lot of people starting their first job reach the 3 month mark and realise that work isn’t something that you do for a few years, pass exams, and then move on. Work is here to stay. For a long time.
While this is terrifying for many, here at The Value Engineers when I hit that mark I felt really lucky, and 6 months on that feeling hasn’t changed. The projects I work on are both exciting and challenging, namely because of the trust and responsibility I am given.
The first project I felt I had a real impact on was for a telecoms company, where The Value Engineers were helping them construct a number of propositions for small businesses. I created an online hub from which we guided conversations and interrogated potential challenges; whether this was consumer barriers and triggers, the role of various contributing brands, the ultimate benefit of the package, and more. In 6 months I have gone from being able to give a vague definition of what a business proposition might be, to diving deep into the intricacies of a telecoms proposition.
One of my most recent projects has been completely different; we have been guiding a games company through a brand re-positioning. My role in this process so far has involved scoping out the market trends and competitors from which we will base our next steps. Again, 6 months ago I would not have guessed that I would now be an expert in gaming and entertainment trends, and that that knowledge would be helping to shape our work.
These are just two nuggets of the projects I have been able to work on, and it has involved a lot of deep end swimming. But who wants to paddle in the shallow end anyway, that’s no fun!